Club Talent Management

1. The quality requirements of the club management staff:

1. The manager of the club with high political and ideological qualities must be upright, honest, have a perfect and noble personality, adhere to the principles, diligent, dedicated, love the post, have a good professional ethics, be strict with self-discipline, be brave in taking responsibility, and be full of work. confidence.

2. Having certain leadership skills can effectively use and control the club’s human, financial, and other resources, fully mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of employees, create a good collective atmosphere, create the best and best service for customers, and create for the place Good economic benefits.

3. Have certain professional cultural knowledge and professional skills. Clubhouse services involve culture, psychology, sports, aesthetics, etc. Only with a certain degree of cultural accomplishment can we reflect the sense of service from the interior and exterior decoration, decoration, facilities of the clubhouse to all service personnel, creating an ideal clubhouse atmosphere, Provide guests with good visual and auditory enjoyment. At the same time, the club's management staff are polite, elegant and quick-minded in their interactions with customers, attracting them with their extensive knowledge and providing customers with quality services. As a club manager, you should understand the rules, requirements, and principles of the club’s activities, and keep it running well.

4. Managers with business awareness should have economic acumen, strong adaptability, strong public relations awareness, establish good customer relations, and understand the law.

Second, the quality requirements of the club service staff

1. Dedication, diligence, energy and enthusiasm to provide services to guests;

2. The working hours of the clubhouse are long and the work is relatively boring, so the staff of the clubhouse should have a good sense of service, a healthy body and plenty of energy;

3. Enthusiastic and thoughtful service to increase prices for guests; club service staff should have a cheerful personality (extroverted personality), love their work, and increase their interest in professionalism.

4. Having certain professional cultural knowledge and professional skills has certain professional cultural knowledge, which is conducive to accurately understanding and quickly mastering the operating principles, use, maintenance, and maintenance knowledge of various facilities and equipment, as well as the activity rules of various projects, and is also conducive to Communication with customers.

5. Have a certain adaptability to take timely measures to control the situation when an unexpected situation occurs, and be good at solving problems in various forms.

3. Staff training includes professional ethics training and professional skills training.

1. Moral training includes: employees' professional honour, professional attitude, professionalism, ethics, solidarity and cooperation, and code of conduct.

2. Professional skills training includes: professional knowledge, technology, service skills, etc.
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