Strong and weak current terminal installation

1. Slotting of electric wires:

After discussing with the owner on the electricity function and requirements, the person in charge of construction clarifies with the electrician master that the parallel and vertical lines will be grooved. Place the bottom box of the switch socket. The socket type is slotted 40 cm from the ground, the hanging air conditioner socket is slotted 2.2 m from the ground, and the switch is slotted 1.2-1.4 m from the ground. When the bottom of the switch socket is installed, the horizontal line is slotted. The kitchen and bathroom must be slotted according to the designed use function.

2. Wire and circuit wiring:

Material requirements, 2.5-6 square meters or more copper core wire, 16mm or more wire tube. Wiring requirements: Most electrician masters do not consider the strong and weak currents, and switch, air conditioning sockets and electrical outlets are separated in the circuit wiring.

So slotting also saves a lot of processes. Strong electricity and weak electricity are required to be separated by 30 cm at the lowest limit. The air conditioner sockets are more than 6 square meters for wire groups, the electrical sockets are 4 square meters for groups, and the switches are 2.5 square meters for special groups. The air-conditioning line group is more than 2 meters above the ground.

The electrical wiring group is wired on the ground, and the switch and lighting cable group are routed on the top of the wall. The bottom of the switch socket must be horizontal and vertical when installed, so that the rear panel installation will be smoother. The switch socket of the kitchen must be arranged and installed according to the use function of the kitchen cabinet design.

After all electrical lines are laid out, the person in charge of construction remembers the layout of the lines and the size of the discharge, so that it is convenient for the details of the installation of various home accessories in the later period.
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